How to remot other people's computers in a LAN

How  to remot other people's computers in a LAN

As an IT administrator I am obliged to be able to access the client computer to do the repairs even though I was not in place, or perform maintenance to the other servers who are in the same group company,Netop9  is one of the applications that I use to access it.

Quite powerful and a lot of antecedent use features such as direct access to the keyboard and mouse, chat, video and voice calls and data transfers.

There are two applications that you need to know
1. Netop host application, it is installed where the computer and the server what will your remote
2. Applications netop guset, this does not need to be installed at all user but you only instal on a laptop, or just your computer and use this program to perform remote

Setting the host
Note the setting for the following hosts:
1. Install instal netop host such an exceptional program, the input SN to host
2. Settings as shown below

Clik on the tools select program optiuon an give cek on cek box like this pictur

for the comunication u only select 3 sistem comunication that can be use

from guset accses security give password to accses host 

 it is addtional option tu give security on host  user

Setting the Guest

Nothing special to set up some netop guest, just install the program just its Guest netop, and the application's path
as shown below:

To use it you just enter the IP address of the computer know or the name of the computer that you want and have installed netop remote host, in the host name field, and click the connect button
good luck

You can get download the program  netop9 here


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