Part 1 Basic Oracel8.05 Database

Basic Database Oracel (PART 1)

The first thing you may want to do is learn to install Oracel, not all applications must be installed Oracel the things you should prepare is:
1. I oprtating system unit CPU windows XP SP2, Server 2003
2. Turn off windos fire wall, make sure your computer is connected to a local area network
3. Use static Ip, prepare a program Oracel 8:05
4. Follow the following steps

5. When the installation process what if you are asked to create a data base just select none
6. Continue the installation and continue to select yes, to any others,  

7. And what if there is a request to install acrobat rider just choose no.
8. Make sure the installation went without any error messages
9. Windos restart after installation is complete

Good luck ....... To be Continue.......


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